Some in our society see immigration as an invasion. Many see immigrants—especially immigrants who are present in our country unlawfully—as a threat to our economy, our security, and our national identity.

At, we see things differently: we believe that immigrants are a blessing and an opportunity. Immigrants—including undocumented immigrants—bring a great deal to our country and present a beautiful, missional opportunity for the Church.

Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations. Through immigration, the nations show up right at our doorstep—which is not an accident: the book of Acts tells us that God determined the exact times and places where each person would live “so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him.” While many immigrants arrive in this country with a vibrant faith—and breathe life into churches much in need of revitalization—others encounter the hope of a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ for the first time in this country.

God has given his Church an enormous opportunity in the arrival of immigrants—including undocumented immigrants—to our country. But we have the option of ignoring this opportunity, of allowing our response to be one of fear, rather than by the liberating truth and love of Scripture.

At present, according to research by the Billy Graham Center, less than 1 in 10 immigrants is welcomed into the home of any American—to say nothing of a Christian. For the most part, the Church is missing this divinely appointed opportunity—but it’s not too late.

Our vision at is to challenge the Church—and particularly the young people that bring so much vibrancy to the Church—to embrace the missional opportunity that God has brought to our country through immigration. We intend to do so by educating through film, story, and facts, and to begin conversations about what is for many a controversial topic. By doing so, we hope to encourage young people to take action: meeting tangible needs, sharing the hope of the gospel, advocating for just policies, and building reciprocal relationships across ethnic and legal status lines. Our hope is that the Church will fulfill its role as Christ’s body, sharing God’s love with all those whom we encounter—especially undocumented immigrants—so as to be known as a community that extends to others the hospitality and grace that we have received in Christ.



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